In 2022, Siemens ran an employment campaign designed to attract diverse talent that is motivated to create a better future through Siemens utilising innovative and sustainable technologies. These careers range from but are not limited to mobility, inventions for cancer patient treatments, artificial intelligence, and molecular imaging. 
The campaign required a range of marketing and social media deliverables that communicated with the target audience. My role was to design the collateral for the social media and marketing assets to run alongside the campaign.
"Alison and I worked together at MediaMonks - to say it was a pleasure would be an understatement.

We worked on an
ever-evolving project with a difficult client & deadlines, but she was always fast to make adjustments as per clients & internal comments, always brought new ideas to push the creative to its best and always worked with a smile. Nothing was ever a bother to implement, and she was just a gem to be around 💎"

- Hannah Cunningham, Art Director at Media.Monks

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